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State LLC Filing Fees

Please be advised that state filing fees are decided by the respective Secretary of State Office, and are subject to change. Our staff will ensure that you are informed of your state's appropriate fees prior to filing.

Alabama (AL)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $200.00+ County Fee (varies)
Renewal Fee:  $100.00 (Annually)


Arizona (AZ)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A


California (CA)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $95.00
Renewal Fee:  $20.00 Biennial + $800 Annual 


Connecticut (CT)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $120.00
Renewal Fee:  $80.00 (Annually)


Florida (FL)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $125.00
Renewal Fee: $138.75 (Annually)


Hawaii (HI)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  $12.50 (Annually)


Illinois (IL)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $150.00
Renewal Fee:  $75.00 (Annually)
Iowa (IA)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  $45.00 (Biennial)


Kentucky (KY)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $40.00
Renewal Fee:  $15.00 (Annually)


Maine (ME)

Filing Fee (Standard):  $175.00

Renewal Fee:  $85.00 (Annually)


Massachusetts (MA)

Filing Fee (Standard):  $520.00

Renewal Fee:  $520.00 (Annually)


Minnesota (MN)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $155.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A 


Missouri (MO)
Filing Fee (Standard): $52.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A 


Nebraska (NE)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $13.00 (Biennial)


New Hampshire (NH)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $102.00
Renewal Fee:  $102.00 (Annually)


New Mexico (NM)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A (Taxed)


North Carolina (NC)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $125.00
Renewal Fee:  $202.00 (Annually)


Ohio (OH)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $99.00
Renewal Fee:   N/A


Oregon (OR)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:   $100.00 (Annually)


Rhode Island (RI)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $150.00
Renewal Fee:  $52.00 (Annually)


South Dakota (SD)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $150.00
Renewal Fee:  $50.00 (Annually)


Texas (TX)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $300.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A 


Vermont (VT)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $125.00
Renewal Fee:  $35.00 (Annually)


Washington (WA)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $200.00
Renewal Fee:  $60.00 (Annually)


West Virginia (WV)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $25.00 (Annually)


Wyoming (WY)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $102.00
Renewal Fee:  $62.00 (Annually)
Alaska (AK)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $250.00
Renewal Fee:  $100.00 (Biennial)


Arkansas (AR)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee: $150.00 (Taxed)


Colorado (CO)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  $10.00 (Annually)


Delaware (DE)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $110.00
Renewal Fee:  $300.00 (Taxed)


Georgia (GA)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $50.00 (Annually)


Idaho (ID)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A


Indiana (IN)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $95.00
Renewal Fee:  $32.00 (Biennial)


Kansas (KS)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $165.00
Renewal Fee:   $50.00 (Annually)


Louisiana (LA)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $35.00 (Annually)


Maryland (MD)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $300.00+ (Annual Personal Tax)


Michigan (MI)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  $25.00 (Annually)


Mississippi (MS)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $50.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A 


Montana (MT)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $35.00
Renewal Fee:  $20.00 (Annually)


Nevada (NV)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $350.00 (Annually)


New Jersey (NJ)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $125.00
Renewal Fee:  $75.00 (Annually)


New York (NY)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $200.00
Renewal Fee:  $9.00 (Biennial)


North Dakota (ND)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $135.00
Renewal Fee:  $50.00 (Annually)


Oklahoma (OK)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00
Renewal Fee:  $25.00 (Taxed)


Pennsylvania (PA)
Filing Fee (Standard):   $125.00
Renewal Fee:  $70 (Decennial)


South Carolina (SC)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $125.00
Renewal Fee:  N/A 


Tennessee (TN)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $300.00
Renewal Fee:  $50.00 (Annually)


Utah (UT)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $54.00
Renewal Fee:  $20.00 (Annually)


Virginia (VA)

Filing Fee (Standard):  $100.00

Renewal Fee:  $50.00 (Annually)


District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $220.00
Renewal Fee:  $300.00 (Biennial)


Wisconsin (WI)
Filing Fee (Standard):  $130.00
Renewal Fee:  $25.00 (Annually)

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